News, views and trends from the Saito team


Embracing Vermicomposting

A Sustainable Solution with SAITO’s Fibre Collection Introduction As we strive for a more sustainable future, innovative waste management solutions like vermicomposting offer a promising

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Powering Sustainability: Saito’s Global and Local Energy Partnerships

At Saito, our commitment to sustainability is powered by a unique partnership that spans global, national, and local levels. Through our collaboration with EKOenergy, an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable renewable energy, we ensure that our energy usage meets globally recognized environmental standards. This partnership allows us to contribute to global conservation efforts and supports new renewable energy projects around the world. Nationally, SupaPwr, a New Zealand-based energy retailer, has been instrumental in installing and managing our solar array at the Kerepehi site, helping us generate clean energy locally. Together with Supapwrs Community Energy program, we are able to share excess solar power with our Onehunga site and beyond, ensuring we optimize our renewable energy use. This innovative, multi-level collaboration showcases our ongoing dedication to reducing our carbon footprint and supporting a sustainable future for all.

supapwr and ekoenergy logos

Solar PV System Production

November 2024

No Data Found

15,000kg of saveBOARD products used

15,000kg of packaging waste made from:

No Data Found

Looking at our Carbon Footprint Today

2,050m2 of saveBOARD products used on walls and ceilings.

5,500 kg of CO2 saved from the carbon footprint of the building.

Solar Panels are being used to power our factory and we are actively feeding electricity back to the grid.

We are slowly converting our company car fleet over to EV’s and have started with the highest milage staff member, by replacing their car with a brand new MG4.

Company Car Fleet
Electric Vehicles 16.67%